Colossal (2017) Twenty-five years ago, a young girl and her mother encountered a monster of indescribable size. And when Gloria, who had lost both her job and her love, returned to her hometown She meets an old friend, Oscar. He takes her to celebrate at his shop. And after returning home, she watched a clip of a giant monster attack in Seoul.
The monster continued to appear sporadically in Seoul before it vanished without a trace. The next morning, Oscar stopped by Gloria's house and brought her a big screen TV. Later, she watched the news of the giant monster as it scratched its head with its hand like she did, which made Gloria feel surprised.
Gloria agrees to work at Oscar's bar, and she keeps up with the news every day about the giant monster. Because she started to notice something was wrong and she started to do some serious research. Before she discovered that she could communicate with giant monsters. She decides to tell Oscar and her friends at the bar.
Gloria awoke with confusion in her head. She felt guilty for causing people to die from the presence of giant monsters. She decided to turn herself in and explain the whole thing to the world, but Oscar stopped her and told him something about another monster that had appeared.
Writer: Nacho Vigalondoi
Director: Nacho Vigalondo
Rate: 6.5/10