Kilo Two Bravo (2014) Movie

Kilo Two Bravo - Kajaki (2014) Based on a true story of a British soldier, when a bomb exploded while Officer Tug Hartley was playing in a pond, he quickly got out of the water before yelling at a child who was using a bomb to find fish, before two fellow soldiers came to stop Tug and taught him a lesson, "Don't fight with people who are armed" before walking back to the base.

There was movement at the gas station below the base before going to wake Stu to see the situation to start shooting back at the enemy who was attacking the base. Then there was a request for air reinforcement, but the air attack missed the target, so another air attack had to be requested, but the request was denied because the plane was running out of fuel.

During the day, they just lived and kept an eye out for the enemy at all times. Some people played chess, exercised, and some had to do their duty before 3 soldiers went out on foot to patrol the area. While checking the radio signal "Stu" who was at the front, stepped on a bomb.

Corporal Stu Hale lost a leg from stepping on a bomb. They had to rush Stu out of the area to get him treated as soon as possible. Moving him away from the scene could cause him to bleed more or hemorrhage. But it was necessary to move Stu to a safe place from the enemies.

Director: Paul Katis
Writers: Tom Williams

Rate: 7/10

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