Outlander (2008) Movie

Outlander (2008) An alien who lost his loved ones to an attack by an alien creature called the "Moorwen" before his ship crash-landed on Earth during the Iron Age.

A spaceship crash-lands in a lake in Iron Age Scandinavia (550-790). A humanoid alien named Kainan retrieves a distress signal and a computer that explains he is on Earth, a colony his people have abandoned. The computer downloads the local Norse language and culture directly into his brain, before he finds a recently destroyed village.

Kainan a soldier from a distant planet, emerges from the ruins. Before he can find the alien creatures called the Moorwen nearby, Kainan a foreigner is captured by a Viking warrior named Wulfric and imprisoned in a local village led by King Rhothgar. He becomes acquainted with Freya, Rhothgar's daughter.

Wulfric interrogates Kainan, who claims he is from the North and that he is hunting a dragon. The village is attacked that night by an unseen creature. It kills many people. Cainan identifies it as "Moorwen", a predator that crashed his ship. Before Cainan is taken with the hunting party to find Moorwen, he helps kill a large bear that has killed some of the hunters, proving to the others that he is part of the tribe.

Writer: Dirk Blackman, Howard McCain
Director: Howard McCain

Rate: 6.9/10

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